Our work on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill – update January 2019

Last year we asked our members what they thought about the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill. Self advocates, families, professionals and organisations all agreed on the main points – they were worried about people’s rights, people and their families’ voice being heard and potential conflicts of interest in the proposals. You can see what people said here

Read more  “Our work on the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill – update January 2019”

Conference Pop-ups

Oup Pop- up Sessions

Pop- Up Sessions 10.15 - 10.45
Our way of checking Quality
The Association of Quality Checkers (AQC) is a non-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the work of Quality Checkers with disabilities. We believe that people who have experience of services are in the best position to judge quality. Join the directors from The Quality Company and Choice Support to see how we check quality our way!

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LB Toolkit
The session charts the story of Connor Sparrowhawk which inspired the toolkit. From its inception to the actual toolkit and how accessible information can enable people who have communication difficulties have their voice heard without having a professional advocate directly involved. The use of the toolkit enables people to take their time in developing their understanding of the complicated process of a social care assessment explaining issues within the Care Act and Mental Capacity Act. People can choose to do this themselves, with people they trust or with professionals.
The unique things about the toolkit is that not only does it give easy to understand information, it also prompts and offers space for people to express their feelings, wishes and needs with every booklet.

Our Justice for LB Toolkit was created from feedback from those who have benefited from our support, those with learning difficulties and those who have undergone care assessments.

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The NHS Long Term Plan: building partnerships
The NHS Long Term Plan was published on 7 January. In this session, talk to member of the NHS England learning disability team about the Long Term Plan and how they can work with people to get the best results. Hear about the main things in the plan and share your ideas about who should be involved and how.

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Great Communities
A partnership project between MacIntyre, Community Catalysts CIC and the people of Warrington. Finding ways to help and include people who don’t get the care and support they need…people who fall through the gaps.
We are:
• Identifying people who are falling through the gaps
• Engaging them and other local people and organisations - working in partnership
• Focussing on the good stuff - making the most of Warrington’s assets, especially its people
• Enabling people falling through the gap to live a good life, connected to and contributing to their community
• Seeing if the learning can be used elsewhere
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