Winterbourne 10 Year Anniversary: What’s Happening

Monday 31st May is the 10th Anniversary of the Panorama programme that showed the abuse that was happening at Winterbourne View.

This page gives information about what members and partners are doing in a ‘week of action’ leading up to the anniversary.

This week of action is led by self advocates.

And is being coordinated by members and partners including #Right2Home#WeAreHumanToo and #RightfulLives.

Please add your voice.

Why is this anniversary important?

As a result of the scandal, the government laid out the Transforming Care programme.

NHS England entitled their initiative “Building the Right Support”.

Transforming Care and Building the Right Support aimed to halve the number of learning disabled and autistic people in inpatient settings by 2019.

And to improve the health and care services in those which remained open.

You can find out more here

But this target was not even closely met.

As a result, the timescale was extended and now aims to reach the same goal by 2024.

In 2012, there were 3,400 people in NHS-funded learning disability inpatient beds.

The latest figures, from March 2021, reveal that there are still at least 2,050 adults with a learning disability and/or autism in inpatient units.

The number of under 18s with a learning disability and/or autism in inpatient units has nearly doubled from 110 children 6 years ago to210 as of March 2021.

And there have been more scandals since since Winterbourne View.

Abuse is still happening.

Like at Whorlton Hall, shown in another Panorama programme in 2019.

And only last year at Yew Trees.

This is why the week of action is so important.

Look out for theses hashtags on social media:







Here is the list of things members and partners are doing throughout the week:

Monday 24th May: Broken Promises

10 years on from the Winterbourne View scandal, not enough progress has been made.

Watch Twitter and Facebook, where #Right2Home will be sharing the history of Winterbourne and what has happened since.

Tuesday 25th:  No More Reports

It’s time for real action, self advocates and families know what needs to happen.

#wearehumantoo will be sharing a video and photos throughout the day on social media.

Share a photo of yourself with a report about Winterbourne and the hashtag #nomorereports

And Irwin Mitchell solicitors will be holding a webinar at 5.30pm.

It is called: Mental Health Act Or Mental Capacity Act? What’s The Right Approach For Autistic People And People With Learning Disabilities Detained In Assessment And Treatment Units?

Find out more and book here

Wednesday 26th: It’s About Human Rights

People are being stripped of their human rights – this must stop.

The British Institute of Human Rights is running 3 sessions to help people learn more about human rights:

  • Webinar with Irwin Mitchell solicitors
  • 3 x 15 minute Lunch and Learn sessions with A BIHR specialist
  • 3pm Q&A session on Twitter

Find out more and book here

Thursday 27th: It’s about good support

Let’s redesign the system so that people can live the lives they want.

#Right2Home will be sharing examples of good support throughout the day on Twitter and Facebook.

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation and Mencap will also be publishing their  ‘family voices’ paper.

Find out more about Mencap’s Campaign for Change here

Friday 28th: Self advocacy is the answer

We must listen to what people with learning disabilities and autistic people want.

Self advocates will be sharing videos of themselves talking about why self advocacy is important and what it means to them.

Watch their videos on social media throughout the day.


Monday 31st May: 10 year anniversary

Today is the 10th anniversary of the Panorama programme.

Join #RightfulLives in a candlelight vigil

Find out more about how to take part here



If your group or organisation is planning activities and you want us to add them to this page please let us know.

Email us on or phone us on 0300 111 0444.