Quality Matters

On 12th July Learning Disability England attended the launch of Quality Matters.

Quality Matters aims to bring the adult social care sector together to agree on what good quality social care looks like.

LDE is one of the organisations that helped to develop Quality Matters and we were proud to come together with so many other people to work out how we’re going to achieve the high quality, person-centred care that everyone has a right to.

The report is just the beginning of improving adult social care. Quality Matters includes an action plan that says who will do what to improve adult social care services.

The action plan talks about good things that are already happening and how we can build on them and use them to make things better.

One of the things the action plan talks about is Driving Up Quality. Driving Up Quality is a code that providers can sign up to to help them drive up quality in their services. Once they’ve signed up they have to do self-assessments to see if they are achieving their aims.

Learning Disability England facilitates Driving Up Quality and is one of the organisations that developed it. We think it’s a way of making real change and we’re glad to see it included in Quality Matters.

At the launch of Quality Matters Gary Bourlet, Co-Founder of LDE said:

“The improvements need to be driven by people who use social care services and their families… We all need to come together to make things better and to be stronger.”

At the end of the launch event, we were all led in a singing session by someone from the Choir in Every Care Home project. It’s definitely fair to say that some professionals there were pushed out of their comfort zone! But it was great to hear everyone singing in unison. It was a reminder of what we can do when we all come together. You can see a little clip here.

Quality Matters is for everyone who uses, works in and supports adult social care. We’d encourage all of our members to read the report and think about how the ideas in Quality Matters could improve the services that you receive or provide.

You can also join the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #QualityMatters.

More Information

Click here to read the Quality Matters report.

Click here to read the easy read version.

Click here to see the action plan.