Aims and Values

Every member of the Learning Disability England movement has signed up to its aims and values.

What are Learning Disability England’s aims?

Together we stand for:
• Rights
• Choice
• Inclusion
• Independence

Members will work together to make sure:

• What is important to people with learning disabilities is heard and
• There is a change in behaviour in service design and delivery that
builds on rights
• We demonstrate co-production and real collaborative working
making a difference
• We live our values and model the change we want

Here are some of the things that are important to us.
These are our values:

Putting people with learning disabilities first – in everything we
do, and how we are run.

Being challenging – when it comes to what people with learning
disabilities and families want, need, and have a right to.

Working together – with people with learning disabilities, families,
professionals, organisations, and the government, to achieve
better lives for people with learning disabilities.

Being empowering – by making sure our members have power, and can act on behalf of Learning Disability England with confidence and clarity.

Being creative and trying new things – by thinking differently about how we can solve problems, and not being afraid to get it wrong sometimes.

When you join Learning Disability England, you will be asked to confirm you agree with and will stick to these aims and values.

You can read The Big Plan for our work here