Useful for everyone
Letter to social housing residents from the Minister of Housing – easy read
Technology start-up AutonoMe is offering a FREE version of their appto any person with a learning disability in the UK during the coronavirus outbreak. Read a press article about Autonome here
Resources for family members, support workers, social workers and OTs on Coronavirus and how that might affect people with learning disabilities or autistic people, from Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
Resources about the implications of Covid19 from Beacon (the advice service about NHS CHC), which has increased capacity to respond to queries about NHS Continuing Health Care.
Free Training on Coronavirus from Health Education England, aimed at health and social care workers. However, it is open to anyone.
Grab Sheet about trauma from NWTDT and partners
Guidance on safeguarding adults during the outbreak from the British Association of Social Workers.
Up to date guidance and resources from Carers UK.
Information about the extra help the government has put in placearound paying bills, sick pay and benefit entitlements from Citizens Advice.

For Families
Resources for any families who are trying to home educate through the Coronavirus outbreak, including useful multi media resources for anyone about Covid 19, from The Sensory Projects.
Information and resources for SEND families from the Special Needs Jungle.
Information for autistic people and their families from the National Autistic Society.
Resources including information to help family carers plan with others to get the support they need during the current crisis, from Together Matters.
LGBT+ Resources
From Eddy Phillips, Carl Shaw and David Gill: