A face covering is something which covers your nose and mouth. It doesn’t have to be a mask. It can be anything that covers your nose and mouth.
Some people do not have symptoms so they can spread Coronavirus without knowing.
Face coverings are to stop you from accidentally spreading the virus.
The government has made new rules about wearing face coverings in public places to help protect people from Coronavirus.
Some people do not have to wear a face covering for health reasons.
Gary Bourlet, our Membership and Engagement Lead, has made a video blog to explain about wearing face coverings and the new rules. You can watch Gary’s VLOG here.
Care homes and face coverings poster
Video about wearing face coverings in shops – easy read.
Disabled customers and rules about wearing masks in shops – easy read from The Equality and Human Rights Commission
Illustrated guides on how to wear a mask from Big Leaf Foundation – easy read and several languages.
Exemption cards to explain why you aren’t wearing a mask from Photosymbols – easy read
Guidance about wearing face coverings from Mencap – easy read.