Easy read on some of the rules that have changed – by Mencap. Talks about the 6 people rule, your support bubble and going out and about.
Updated Guidance around social distancing and meeting with others – You must follow this guidance from Monday 14th September.
Social distancing is to try and stop the virus spreading to other people.
The government says we should stay two metres (three steps) apart from people we don’t live in the same house with.
We should also take other measures like washing our hands and covering our faces.
The guidance is still important even though we are now moving out of lockdown.
Staying alert and safe – social distancing guidance (Updated 31 July 2020).
This tells you about the new rules on social distancing indoors and outdoors.
This tells you about the new rules on social distancing when you are spending time with people you don’t live with.
Guidance about funerals during Coronavirus from Public Health England.

The government have not yet published easy read information about the new rules on social distancing.
We will update this page when they do.
In the meantime you can see other resources about social distancing and the new rules here