Find out more about the human rights of people you’re supporting and DNARs
About this Event
During Coronavirus some disabled people and older people have been told doctors will not restart their heart if they become very unwell.
This is a Do Not Attempt Resuscitation Order called a DNAR.
The CQC is investigating this.
We ran an online workshop for staff to find out more about what human rights law says should happen when supporting people, especially when faced with difficult decisions and discussions like DNARs.
We asked staff to share their experiences of decisions about DNARs.
The workshop was for people working in health and social care, this includes in hospital, community and residential services and home, and those in local authorities such as social workers.
We will make a human rights report which you can use and will give the report to the CQC.
This session was hosted by the British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR).
The session was supported by Turning Point, BIHR and is open to LDE Members and the public.