18th May 2018
People with learning disabilities and/or autism, may be considering a transition from the gender they grew up with, to a gender role they feel more comfortable with. Indeed, the person may have made this transition. As it is the case with the general population, people with learning disabilities may be exposed to discrimination, abuse, ignorance and also faced with practical and emotional stresses linked with everyday life in their new gender identity.
The Webinar will focus on how people with learning disabilities and/or autism are supported to navigate these practical and emotional difficulties and signpost to networks that may benefit and support people further. The Webinar will also consider the accessibility of information and support to this group.
Michael Fullerton, Director of Quality and Clinical Care in CMG will present this Webinar. Michael is a registered learning disability nurse and works individually with a number of people with learning disabilities and autism to support their sexual and gender identity. Michael, as a learning disability nurse, has a unique position of working in a clinical role within a learning disability provider organisation. As CMG support over 900 people, Michael is able to offer support to a significant number of people, including in relation to relationships and sexuality.
Michael has witnessed an increasing number of people who are trans men or trans women, or are confused, haven’t ‘come out’ and the psychological impact of the stress and distress for people can be immense. Michael is therefore keen to ensure the support people receive from CMG and other networks is as responsive as possible to assist people to feel comfortable with their gender identity and choices and just be able to get on with their lives.
Michael has received training via the Family Planning Association to educate people with learning disabilities in relation to sexuality and has been gaining knowledge and inspiration about supporting transgender from the Clare Project in Brighton, a mainstream Transgender Support group.