Friday, 31st January
10.00 – 11.00
This webinar will be hosted by Nesta, an innovation charity, which has pioneered the 100 Day Challenge method that puts frontline staff and people with lived experience at the heart of systems change.
Nesta has recently worked with Essex County Council to run a 100 Day Challenge partnering with communities to learn how to better support residents with learning disabilities and autism to live a meaningful life.
The Challenge gave team members the space to collaborate and build on each other’s expertise – it involved more than 36 organisations and 23 people with learning disabilities and autism, working together to improve outcomes for more than 300 people.
Three teams across the county tested sixteen ideas ranging from new ways of supporting young people into employment, to bringing health services into the community and setting up an inclusive cricket team.
This webinar will explore what participants learnt about how to listen to people with learning disabilities and autism, collaborate to test and deliver their ideas, and support them to take on leadership roles.
We will be hearing from representatives from Essex County Council as well as people who took part in the Challenge.