In 2022, Learning Disability England heard from some people that there is not a lot of leadership or speaking-up training that includes minority ethnic people with learning disabilities and autistic people.
We were also told that training about different people’s experiences and anti-racist practice is not accessible to many autistic people and people with learning disabilities.
We learnt about this by working with people and organisations as part of the Equal Treatment and Working Together to get the job done projects.
Learning Disability England wanted to find out what leadership or similar training there is aimed at or led by people with learning disabilities or autistic people.
Learning Disability England worked with Changing Our Lives to:
- Find out what leadership or similar training there is aimed at or led by people with learning disabilities or autistic people.
- Find out how the training opportunities include people from different UK minority ethnic groups and learning about the experiences of minority ethnic people.
You can read what we found out about training courses here.
We heard that leadership training courses can make a big difference to people’s live and their area. It can help change opinions about people with learning disabilities.
The big message was that there have been few if any leadership training opportunities for people from minority ethnic groups.
People with learning disabilities from minority ethnic communities told us about very different experiences to people who had leadership opportunities.
‘I don’t see people that look like me, so our communities are not represented. We have a right!”
We wrote a report on everything we found out, this was called ‘Learning to Lead’.
Read the report here.
There is learning for everyone involved in supporting, and training leaders or representatives.
‘We are strong together…. If we share power’