Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study: Can you help? 

Do you have a learning disability?

Are you from a minoritised ethnic background?

If so, the Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities research team want to hear from you!

Watch a video about why your voice is important.

And needs to be heard.

Watch the video here

Want to find out how to take part?

And what you might be asked about?

Watch the video here

The Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study is a research project. 

The research has found out about how people with learning disabilities got on during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The research has included over 800 people so far. 

The researchers asked people questions that people with learning disabilities and families thought were important. 

People were interviewed or filled in surveys three times during the pandemic.

See what people said here

Now the researchers are talking to people for a 4th time.

They want to know what has changed in people’s lives.

Only about 1 in 10 people the researchers talked to were from minoritised ethnic communities.

The researchers want to hear from lots more people from minority ethnic backgrounds.

They want to make sure they understand what the pandemic has been like for you.

Watch this video about why your voice matters

The researchers want to talk to people with learning disabilities.

This will be on zoom or on the phone.

Watch the video to see the things they might ask

If you are from a minoritised ethnic community and have a learning disability and you would like to find out more or take part in the research please contact Sue Caton:

Phone: 07425 374068

If you want to do the interview in another language let Sue know.

If you are a family member or paid supporter of someone with a learning disability who has high support needs or profound and multiple learning disability you can take part by filling in a short survey.

You can find the survey here

The survey will be available in English, Urdu and Punjabi.

If you need information in a different language, please contact Sue Caton.

You can find out more on the research website here  

There is also easy read information about the research on the website.