NHS Priorities: Learning Disability England’s Rep Body Respond

On 30 January 2025, NHS England published its operational planning guidance for 2025/26, this says what their targets are and what they will check in local health services.

This is the first planning guidance that has been put out since the government was elected in July 2024.

They have also published the Mandate for the NHS – this says the things the NHS should focus on.

The Learning Disability England Representative Body have written a statement to respond to what these say:

Read more  “NHS Priorities: Learning Disability England’s Rep Body Respond”

“We continue to press for change so everyone can live equally and not live in fear”

Michael Chick, Co-founder and Chairman of United Pride Friends, reflects on the challenges LGBTQ+ people have had to overcome – particularly those LGBTQ+ people who also have learning disabilities.

This LGBTQ+ History Month, Michael shares why it’s important to recognise both progress and what still needs to change for communities to thrive...

We at United Pride Friends are celebrating LGBTQ+ history month as it important to us to remember those that have protested and campaigned so LGBTQ+ people have the same rights as the rest of society and that we are given equity.

It’s important that we remember, although it is LGBTQ+ history month, LGBTQ+ should be given support throughout the year, every year.

Read more  ““We continue to press for change so everyone can live equally and not live in fear””

A Big Conversation Around Social Care

Last week, Angela Catley, Marianne Selby-Boothroyd and Mary Woodhall attended a meeting for the Social Care All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG). They share how it went…

The APPG is a group of Parliamentarians (members of Parliament) from across lots of political parties who are all focused on making social care better.

There is also a working group who advise them, made up of organisations who focus on this too. This includes Learning Disability England.

At this meet-up, we met with the Minister of State at the Department of Health and Social Care, Stephen Kinnock.

The Minister outlined the Government’s plans for a Big Conversation around social care, led by Baroness Casey.

Read more  “A Big Conversation Around Social Care”

“My goal is to learn as much as I can from other countries”

Steven Chapman, Self-Advocate and Co-Chair of the Board at Bemix, talks self-advocacy and building international connections

For years, I’ve been working on boards and teams in the Kent area, focusing on making sure people with learning disabilities and autistic people have their voices heard.

I want to see a world where they can lead, succeed, and be fully included in all parts of life.

Read more  ““My goal is to learn as much as I can from other countries””

“We need human rights” – Human Rights for a Good Life

December 10th is International Human Rights Day and the theme this year is ‘Our Right, Our Future, Right Now’ – celebrating how important human rights are to all of us in our day-to-day lives.

The day celebrates the power of human rights and is on the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. 

Learning Disability England champions Human Rights and the United Nations Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and Good Lives is grounded in human rights.  

Read more  ““We need human rights” – Human Rights for a Good Life”

A Meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Care

Mary Woodhall, Learning Disability England (on far right) with other representative members of the APPG

Representatives from Learning Disability England recently attended a meeting for the Social Care All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG).

Mary Woodhall (Self-advocate Rep), Marianne Selby-Boothroyd (Paid supporter Rep) and James O’Rourke (Family Rep) went along.

The APPG is a group of Parliamentarians from across lots of political parties who are all focused on making social care better.

Read more  “A Meeting of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Care”

The Government Plan for Jobs and Benefits – Get Britain Working

The government have published a White Paper called Get Britain working – it says their plans to change the different kinds of help to work there is for young people and disabled people. 

There are positive actions in the plan to work across government on.

We hope this plan will lead to a focus on contribution so many more people with learning disabilities can work but also the other contributions people can make are supported and valued. 

Read more  “The Government Plan for Jobs and Benefits – Get Britain Working”

Building Safety, Standards, and Trust

Blog from Ivan Olbrechts – Family and friends member rep

Learning Disability England has been supporting the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as they try to increase the quality and safety of nursing.

They want to do this by improving regulation of nurses in advanced practice roles.

In nursing, advanced practice means registered nurses with extra education and training that mean they can practice at a higher level.

This includes carrying out tasks such as assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

Read more  “Building Safety, Standards, and Trust”