A Rep Body Statement on the Prime Minister’s speech about PIP and ‘Sick Note Culture’

Written by Representative Body members of Learning Disability England

“They insult us”

Last week Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in a speech that the government will change the rules about who will decide if people cannot work because they are ill or disabled. 

He also said the government will look at how Personal Independence Payments work.  

Read more  “A Rep Body Statement on the Prime Minister’s speech about PIP and ‘Sick Note Culture’”

All In This Together – A blog by Sarah Maguire

Sarah is the CEO of Choice Support, a social care Community Benefit Society that creates opportunities for happiness for people with learning disabilities, mental health needs and autistic people.

We really are stronger and louder together.

I spent three joyous weeks in February 2024 at the Learning Disability England Conferences. As members, you know that Learning Disability England exists to bring people and organisations together to create a movement for change where people with learning disabilities, families, friends, and paid supporters come together on an equal basis.

Read more  “All In This Together – A blog by Sarah Maguire”

‘Using The Law’ – A blog update from Kate Chate.

Kate is a Family and Friends member of Learning Disability England’s Representative Body, and a Family Consultant for Dimensions UK. Kate has written this Plain English blog for members, about being part of a group called ‘Using The Law’

Using the Law

The Access Social Care charity and Social Care Future are running a group called ‘Using the Law‘.

The group has been set up to “empower individuals and organisations with the necessary knowledge to navigate the legal landscape of social care.”

Read more  “‘Using The Law’ – A blog update from Kate Chate.”

Why your right to vote is important – A blog by Gary Bourlet.

Gary Bourlet, Self-Advocate & Membership and Engagement Lead for Learning Disability England

“It’s great to vote, ‘cause then you get a say on who’s going to be running the country” (Dr Mark Brookes, MBE).

There will be local elections in May and a general election later this year. Every adult in England has the right to vote. But how do we make sure we can? We want to make sure that those of us with learning disabilities are able to use our right to vote.

Read more  “Why your right to vote is important – A blog by Gary Bourlet.”