Notice to all members

There is now a date set for the next members meeting. 

This year it will be happening online over Zoom.

These meetings are for us to speak about the work that has been happening for the organisation over the last year and what will be happening in the future.

It will also go over Learning Disability England’s accounts which is how much money has come in and out.

There will also be an opportunity for members to make some decisions or ask questions.

The meeting will happen on the 6th December 2023.

What time
The meeting will start at 10am.
We think the meeting will last 1 hour.

Who can come?

Individual and lifetime members can come.

A representative from group or organisation members can come too.

Members can come with someone else, but their guest cannot vote.

All members subscriptions need to be up to date to come.

Members can vote on the decisions being made at the meeting.
The votes will happen by a show of hands unless the Chair of the Trustees decides, or 2 members ask for a different way of voting (like a ballot).

If you cannot come to the Members General meeting but want to vote
You can give someone else the right to vote for you.
This is called voting by proxy.
You can set up a proxy by filling out and sending this form

The form signed by the member must arrive at Learning Disability England’s office or to by 5pm on the 29th November 2023.

What will happen at the meeting?
At the meeting there will votes on the decisions to make.

The Trustees will also share information about Learning Disability England’s money and work.

We will also share the plans for what Learning Disability England works on next which includes building on the Good Lives Framework.

You can find out more about what will be covered at the meeting here.

Please tell us if you are coming to the meeting by contacting the office on:

or 03001110444