Join the Board of Trustees

Seeking new Trustees to join the Board

The Members Representative Body are working with the Trustees to find 2 people to join the Board.

Kumudu, Liz and Ivan are leading this on behalf of the Members Representative Body.

Learning Disability England wants more people to join as members and to grow the influence of members so people with learning disabilities live Good Lives.

That includes all parts of life like influencing transport, finance, leisure. Community life as well as government policy – all parts of life.

You can read the Trustee information pack and more about the role here.

You can access a Large Print version of the application form here.

The reps and Trustees would really like the 2 new Trustees who bring different skills and experiences to help Learning Disability England’s work include more people and influence all parts ​of a Good Life for everyone with a learning disability.

It is important to them that the Board includes people from Black, Asian, and minoritised groups and people with learning disabilities and family members.

We welcome applications from people with that lived experience.

The Board would also welcome people with experience of ​

  • Making change happen in different paid or unpaid jobs​
  • Marketing or communications​
  • Policy development

Applications close at 12pm on Monday 15th July 2024.

To find out more and how you can get involved, please read the Trustee pack here. We look forward to hearing from you!