Accessible resources and information to help you use your vote or support others to use theirs in the upcoming General Election

There will be a General Election happening on Thursday 4th July 2024.

A General Election usually happens every 5 years and it will be a chance for you to vote for a new government to run the country.

All people over the age of 18 have the right to vote, including people with learning disabilities.

You can find more accessible easy-read information around how politics works through the My Vote My Voice website.
Including how government works, why your vote matters and about your rights.

My Vote My Voice is a campaign developed by United Response, Dimensions, Mencap, Ambitious About Autism and the people who draw on our care and support.

My Vote My Voice have created an Easy Read guide to the main political parties in England and Wales. You can read it here.
You can also read their guide to the smaller political parties here.
There is also a webinar about registering and voting in the General Election by My Vote My Voice and Learning Disability England here.

Lots of people are sharing great information to help people get ready for the General Election. There can be a lot to think about when deciding who to vote for.
Some political parties have made Easy Read Manifestos. These tell you what each political party will do for the country. This can help you decide who to vote for.

A big change has happened last year, you will now have to bring a photo ID with you when you vote.
Understanding Voter Identification

You can use either an accepted photo ID or a Voter Authority Certificate.
You can find information here on accepted forms of photo ID.

Here you can apply for a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’.
You can use this to vote in person in most UK elections and referendums.

Here is some easy read information from The Electoral Commision made with PhotoSymbols about how to apply for a voter authority certificate.
Using Your Vote

Voting Counts is a simple, unbiased political resource that helps you make informed decisions when voting.
There is information about elections, voting and parliament.

If you have decided you want to vote or find out more about how you vote, you could look at this ‘Quick Guide to Voting‘ from My Vote My Voice.

They also have their own hub of accessible voting resources, including a Local Election Practice Ballot Paper: Easy Read Guide.

To take part and vote, you need to be on the ‘electoral role’.

Here is the government step-by-step easy read guide to registering to vote for people with a learning disability.

MiXiT have made a video for people with learning disabilities on how to vote.

Polling stations should have disabled access, and staff should help make reasonable adjustments so people with disabilities can vote.
You may have to talk to polling station staff about what support you would like.

You could show them a Voting Passport – this will help them to understand the reasonable adjustments needed to allow you to vote.
Supporting Others To Use Their Vote

The Quality Advisors at Community Integrated Care have made a guide all about voting and why politics is important.
It is particularly aimed at paid supporters helping people to vote.

My Vote My Voice also have lots of information for organisations, carers and elected representatives to support people to use this legal right to vote.

The Electoral Commission has created partner packs for organisations to help them raise awareness and support voters with applying for a Voter Authority Certificate.

The Electoral Commission have also published their guidance for Returning Officers to assisting disabled people to vote.

Learning Disability England members have coproduced the Good Lives Manifesto 2024.
The Good Lives Manifesto 2024 lays out important changes that people with learning disabilities, family members, and the people who work with them would like to see in the next government.

There are several different versions of the Manifesto to read including downloadable pledge cards to share with political candidates in your area. You can find all the Manifesto resources here.

If you have any other easy read election resources we can share, please email us on