Learning Disability England and Speakup Self Advocacy have produced a video together.
The video is about being a self-advocate.
Self-advocacy can make a big difference to people’s lives, and help more people to understand what it is like to live with a learning disability or autism.
This video tells the stories of some members from Learning Disability England, Speakup Self Advocacy, and other organisations.
Gary Bourlet is one of the Membership and Engagement leads for Learning Disability England and has been a self-advocate for over 35 years.
Gary says “in the past, it was very difficult for people with a learning disability to speak up for themselves, with all the power being in the hands of provider organisations and families”.
The film goes on to tell the story of how, since then, many people with a learning disability have become empowered to speak up for their rights and needs.
Through the stories and experiences of inspirational people with a learning disability, the film is an opportunity to hear about the role self-advocates have played in tackling discrimination, influencing policy and educating many non-disabled people.