“People are experts in their own lives”

Gary Bourlet and Amanda Fawcett, Membership and Engagement Leads for Learning Disability England share how they recently presented on self-advocacy at the Blackbelt National Advocacy Conference…

There are many different types of advocacy, from independent advocacy, to peer advocacy to what I would argue is the most important – self-advocacy!

Paid advocates are so important and I think could actually play a major role in supporting people with learning disabilities to self-advocate.

Self-advocacy should be the goal for everyone, people are experts in their own lives.

It has so many benefits including helping people to develop personal effectiveness and assertiveness as well as improving self-esteem.

This might lead to more people being employed, developing their own careers, going to university and becoming leaders – better than going to the day centre!

Joining a self-advocacy group also gives people the opportunity to travel, meet other people like themselves and learn from one another.

This brings me on to the topic of a recent presentation I did for the National Advocacy Conference 2024 run by Blackbelt Advocacy.

I did this together with Amanda Fawcett, our new Membership and engagement Lead who is going to tell you about how this went…

Being brand new to the role, this was our first conference presentation together as a duo.

Our presentation was all about the power of Self Advocacy and featured:

  • Personal stories from Gary’s 37 year career as a Self Advocate and information about the movement
  • We shared the Self Advocacy Map to highlight the fantastic work of Self Advocacy Groups across the country and talked about the importance of Self Advocates being part of an empowering community
  • We explained about Good Lives Manifesto and talked about the “Effective Voice – Self Advocacy and Advocacy chapter” – and its importance to members!

We shared the excellent film “Impact of Advocacy” produced by Learning Disability England and SpeakUp Self-Advocacy.

We encouraged delegates to reflect on their work and create actions to bring Self Advocacy into their work.

After our presentation, we met lots of Advocates who were keen and enthusiastic about encouraging Self Advocacy in their work and they wanted to know more about the fantastic Self Advocacy Groups in their areas.

Thanks for having us Blackbelt Advocacy and Kate Mercer!

If you want to get in touch about this or any of Learning Disability England’s work you can do that in a few different ways:

You can contact the office:

E mail: info@LDEngland.org.uk

Phone: 0300 111 0444

Contact Gary and Amanda directly:

