The government’s 10-year plan for health and care

The government is in the process of creating a 10 Year Health Plan.

The government says they want to create three ‘big shifts’ in health and care, these are:

Hospital to community – to prioritise services outside of hospital and investment in the primary and community services that support people before they end up needing hospital treatment.

Sickness to prevention – more political focus on public health strategies that keep people healthy and prevent illness in the first place.

Analogue to digital – a more modern NHS that brings together a single patient record, summarising patient health information, test results, and letters in one place, through the NHS App.

They have asked the general public, experts and NHS staff to share their experiences, views and ideas for making improvements to the NHS.

The government want to use these responses to help develop the plan which they will publish in Spring of 2025.

They have created an online platform called that they want people to use to give their responses.

There is currently not accessible information on here but we have been told this will be made available soon.

To launch this platform they have just held an engagement launch which Learning Disability England was invited to.

Ivan O’lbrecht and James O’Rourke went along to this event on behalf of the Learning Disability England Membership.

They will be sharing a blog very soon on how this went.

The Members Network Meeting on the 31st October at 3pm will be all about how you can get involved in this.

The NHS will be sharing information about this project and we will be having a conversation together about what members want to say to the government about what needs to change.