Simon Cramp
Last Friday, 4 people were convicted for the crimes they committed working at Whorlton Hall.
You can read about the convictions here.
The quote above is from Simon, a lifetime member of Learning Disability England.
He spoke about what any of us can say or do as we are reminded of yet another way people with learning disabilities and autistic people are being failed or actively harmed.
George Julian has followed the whole trial as part of her open justice work.
Read blogs from George Julian here.
There is a lot in there and it is hard to read but we think it is important it is shared and justice sought for people.
Like John Harris said in a piece in the Guardian ‘How much longer’?
Read John’s article here.
These convictions are a small part of making sure people with learning disabilities and autistic people receive justice
We will keep speaking up with Learning Disability England members and demanding change.
We know what Good Lives look like and the action needed to get us all there.
Justice for all people with learning disabilities means making system change happen and ensuring people’s human rights are respected.
That starts with this message:
‘We may be different, look different, act different but we are all human too.’
‘No more reports, we need action now.’
This is what members of the We Are Human Too campaign group responded to what was found in December of 2020.
The group is made up of self-advocacy groups Your Voice Counts, Sunderland People First and Skills for People.
Find out more about We Are Human Too here.