Good Lives 2020

What does a Good Life for people with a learning disability look like in this new decade?

Learning Disability England has started some work with people, groups and organisations to talk about shared action on what we know people with learning disabilities want so they can live a good life.

There has been lots of research over the years and we believe the time has come to take action together. We believe the power of change lies in you, our membership, talking and working together to work out what you agree on and can take action on together.

The aim is to get shared actions for change that will lead to more people having a good life.

The changes could be at a national or local government policy level or things other organisations can do

This must be a plan everyone can get involved in and feel part of. We think it is really important that self advocates – people with a learning disability – lead this work.

This must not be a plan only for Learning Disability England but something everyone can use.


Why we are doing this?


We are doing this because people have told us there needs to be more joined up action – people working together – to make a real difference.
Lots of people told us they want to work with other people or groups to change things.


What Learning Disability England will do


We will help bring people together, connect ideas or pieces of work.


Self Advocates Meeting on 19th February 2020


We started by asking some people with learning disabilities to come to a meeting on 19th February 2020. At that meeting we agreed with them the most important things to work on and how we should work.


You can read the full notes from the meeting HERE



You can read Gary’s blog and see photos from the day HERE


This group of 40 self-advocates and their supporters told us that everything was important to them. We asked them which things they wanted to start with. They could choose up to 3 things each.


They told us that their top 5 things are:


Advocacy and Self-Advocacy  (15 votes)

The Right Support (14 votes)

Good Health (14 votes)

Accessibility (9 votes)

Education (7 votes)

This does not mean the other things are not important. It does not mean people will not work on the other things. It just gives us an idea about what everyone in the room thought was most important.

These pictures show how people voted. The pictures also show information about work that is already happening around the country that we might want to link in to:


How we should work


The self advocates also talked with each other about how everyone should work together on Good Lives 2020. They decided on some ‘must haves’. These are the things they think everyone should stick to.

They also decided on some ‘nightmares to avoid’. These are the things they agreed must never happen when everyone is working together.

You can see these in these pictures:



What happens next?



We know not every self-advocate could come on 19th February. But your views still count. So we are asking self-advocates who couldn’t be there to tell us what they think. We will add this information to the work we collected on 19th February.

We are asking all our other Members to tell us what they think via our survey. If you haven’t filled in the survey yet, you can fill it in HERE

We will put all of this information together and tell you what we have found in mid March.

To find out more, you can contact us by phoning or e mailing our office: or 0300 1110444, or by clicking on these links:

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