VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance

The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Health and Wellbeing Alliance is a group of organisations that was brought together by the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England.

The Alliance works on national policy and aims to:

  • Improve health and care systems
  • Make sure everyone has equal access to healthcare
  • Help people to achieve and maintain wellbeing.

In April 2017 the 21 members of the Alliance were announced.

The members were selected from over 180 organisations that applied to join.

One of the members is the Valuing People Alliance, which Learning Disability England is a part of.

The Valuing People Alliance

The Valuing People Alliance is made up of:

We also work closely with the Challenging Behaviour Foundation, Respond, Paradigm-UK, and other Voluntary and Community Sector Enterprise (VCSE) organisations.

The role of the Valuing People Alliance is to represent people with learning disabilities.

We want to improve the health and well-being of all people with learning disabilities. This includes all people with learning disabilities including those who have autism and/or mental health conditions, and people who may be in contact with the criminal justice system, and their family/carers.

We are keen to work  with other members of the alliance where we can achieve more together.

Examples of areas of work we are interested in include:

  • Co-production
  • Advocacy (including self-advocacy)
  • Reasonable adjustments
  • Restraint reduction
  • Profound and multiple learning disabilities
  • Transforming Care and improving support in the community for people with complex needs
  • Workforce development
  • Driving up quality and creating positive organisational culture
  • Human Rights-based approaches
  • Housing
  • Tackling the things that can lead to health inequalities including unemployment, poor accommodation, isolation, discrimination and lack of access to services.

Valuing People Alliance Contacts

Ben Higgins (BILD)

Samantha Clark (LDE)

Madeline Cooper -Ueki (NDTi)

If you have any questions about Learning Disability England the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance please contact us.