Choosing the right membership category for you
We organise our membership to reflect three different experiences and voices:
– Self-advocates (including self-advocacy organisations)
– Families and friends (including family carer and support organisations)
– Paid supporters and partners (including individuals who work in social care, service providers, commissioners, universities, development agencies and others)
Individual members can be:
– a self advocate with a learning disability
– a family member or friend of someone with a learning disability
– someone who works with people with a learning disability
– an ally who wants to be part of our national movement
Do you want to join as an individual?
What are self advocacy and family carer groups:
– your organisation is led by self-advocates and/or family members
– if your self-advocacy or family run organisation gets most of its income from delivering services rather than doing self advocacy and/or family voice support, then you will be part of the paid supporter category.
Do you want to join as a self advocacy or family carer group?
What are paid supporter organisations?
– paid supporter organisations get most of their income from delivering services
– they are organisations or companies who provide, commission or in other ways aim to improve the lives of people and families.
– they can be very small organisations or very large ones. The different membership rates mean organisations pay what they can afford
Do you want to join as a paid supporter organisation?
What are partner organisations?
– We know there are organisations with a much wider brief who have told us that they are also keen to support Learning Disability England’s work
– Partner organisations might be law firms, accountants, academic institutions, government departments etc
Do you want to join as a partner organisation?
Want to find out more about the benefits of membership?
Or find out more about our aims and values?