Social Care Future: What members said

In April 2021, Learning Disability England members got together to talk about the Social Care Future Inquiry.

The members in that meeting were self advocates, family members and paid supporters.

The people at the meeting talked about what they want their social care to be like (Our Social Care Vision).

They talked about the things that need to change.

They agreed the things people would say about their lives if support worked how we want it to.

And the things people would notice if social care was always really great.

The members also talked about what all kinds of members, including organisation workers, can say if social care works well.

You can read everything the members said in the easy read report here.

This report has been sent to the Social Care Future team as part of the Inquiry.

You can also download the graphic, drawn by Pen Mendonca, here

On May 27th Social Care Future held their Spring Gathering.

It was called Towards a Brighter Future.

Learning Disability England members ran a session at the gathering lead by Scott Watkins and Jordan Smith.

It shared the key themes that emerged from the inquiry and next steps in building the movement.

Members are sharing their personal experiences and views in a series of guest blogs.

If any members want to get involved or feedback on our work on social care please contact Sam Clark by emailing