We have tried to make this guide easy to use.
There is information on rights and choices as well as examples of how people got the right home for them.
We hope it will help you plan for what kind of housing is right for you or your family.
Remember you will need to make decisions on what is most important to you. Your ideal home might not be possible, or you might have to work towards it over time.
You do not need to read every section – you can just use the parts that interest you.
Where you see a blue word, you can click on it to find out more.
For example – supported living.
Supported living is when someone lives in a house or flat with some support. They could live alone or share with others. People will rent or own their house.
There are also some stories from people on how they got their home.
On each website page there is:
An easy read version you can download to read or print
At the bottom of each page there is a link to each section so you can click forwards or backwards.
There are people’s stories in a separate section.
On the front page there is a button to download the full guide in Plain English with no pictures.
There are links to other organisations work in this guide.
Learning Disability England cannot be responsible if those organisations have made a mistake but if you find a problem, please let us know.
You can contact us by emailing info@LDEngland.org.uk