Wellbeing and keeping well
United Response has published Stay Inside, Be Inspired, a series of resources to help people with learning disabilities to stay active and create structure during lockdown and beyond.
We are running a webinar with Skills for Care on 21st July about good health and annual health checks. This is open to anyone with an interest in supporting people to get an annual health check but it will be especially useful to Managers in provider organisations. Find out more here or book your place.
Every Mind Matters have put together a range of accessible resources to encourage everyone to take steps to look after their mental health during this difficult time. The resources include tips and a free Mind Plan. You can see the NHS Every Mind Matters resources here.
You can download Dorset People First’s poster with some tips for good mental health here
SpeakUp’s Peaceful Minds project is a lottery funded and a co-produced project between Speakup Self Advocacy and Rotherham Advocacy Partnerships. They are working together to support people with learning disabilities and autistic people who also have mental health conditions and anxieties and have adapted the project to offer support during the coronavirus outbreak. Visit the Peaceful Minds webpage here
The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities has put together a useful booklet called Staying happy and healthy: Things you can do to support your mental health while you have to stay at home
NHS North Cumbria have put together resources called Stop and Watch. Stop and Watch is a tool that everyone can use to help spot the warning signs that a person’s condition is deteriorating. See the Stop and Watch tools here
Simple Stuff Works have put together five videos about breathing for people with #posturalcare needs at home:
Video 1: the link between sitting and lying
Video 2: the impact of a reduced range of movement
Video 3: the impact of long term tummy lying
Video 4: what does supported lying look like
Video 5: what IS windsweeping anyway
Dorset People First have put together a workbook and also Coping Calendar in a poster format. You can download their workbook here and their Coping Calendar (via Twitter only) here
Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust have made a series of videos about keeping well:
Anxiety and the body
Five things to do when feeling anxious
Five seconds breathing exercise
Balloon breathing exercise
Breathing exercise using your imagination
Explaining mindfulness and the 5 things exercise
My relaxing place exercise
The Scottish Commission for Learning Disability has a series of booklets about how to help yourself to stay fit and well during coronavirus. You can read the booklets here