Leeds Conference Resources

Powerpoint Presentations (PDF Format)

Lou Townson from People First Independent Advocacy – Making policy and then making it happen: Click here.

Emma, Azrab and Amy from My Vote My Voice – Supporting the campaign for accessible voting: Click here.

Joe Robbie and Allis Hardy from Inclusion International and Down’s Syndrome Association – Listen, Include, Respect: Click here.

Scott Watkin BEM and Donna O’Brien from SeeAbility: Building Good Lives – Shared actions and the Good Lives Manifesto: Click here.

Tim Cooper and Sarah Burslem from More Than A Provider: Influencing Policy Nationally. Click here.

Marie Lovell and Eliza McConnell from Skills for Care: What we know about the learning disability workforce. Click here.

Sarah Wheatley and Tania Woodhouse from Connect In The North: Working with Leeds MP’s and Counsellors. Click here.

Kate Brackley and Lindsey Allen from the British Institute of Learning Disabilities (Bild): Building the Good Health Chapter. Click here.

Conference Feedback

Thank you for us being part of such a brilliant conference. Our team got so much out of it!”

You all must have been exhausted after running such a smoothly run event. It looked effortless to us, as participants, but I know that it takes a lot of work to make it look that calm!

“Thank you again for a brilliant conference in Leeds yesterday and for inviting us to sponsor / have a stand

It was the best conference I have been to in the social care sector because of the involvement from the people supported and it was fantastic to hear their views.

….it was my favourite day at work this year so far!”

“We’re always happy to be a part of the LDE conferences – it’s a day in the calendar we’d hate to miss!”

“I felt an electrifying feeling that I can’t put into words. It was a feeling that I was part of a national scale of my community. Before this conference I had small snapshots. However, at the conference I was seeing people from across the country who were part of my community.” (Taken from Listen, Include, Respect’s Ambassador Joe Robbie’s blog on the Leeds Conference here.
