This week we have seen the first steps being taken by the government to start easing off the lockdown restrictions.
Read the government’s easy read coming out of lockdown here

Many restrictions are still in place but from 29 March we can now meet up with up to six other people outdoors.
Read more about what you can and cannot do here.

You can also watch a short video about the changes that NWTDT and Pathways Associates have made here.

The government has said people who are shielding can stop shielding from 1 April.
You can read more about that here
Inclusion London has some useful information for people who have been shielding here

And rules about visiting have changed.
Read about the updated guidance for people who live in supported living
Read about the updated guidance for people who live in registered care settings

Last week some self-advocates met up to talk about coming out of lockdown.

Lots of people might be feeling worried or excited.
Learning Disability England members and self-advocates from SpeakUp think about how we might support each other when things start returning to normal.

You can watch the full video of their conversation here.
Below is a very short clip from their chat: