Covid and the law – latest for people, families and supporters: Webinar

 Covid and the law – latest for people, families and supporters

Tuesday 3rd November: 3 – 4pm (on Zoom)

The law and guidance about how we all live through Covid 19 keep changing. This webinar will focus on issues for people with learning disabilities, family members and paid supporters and what they tell us are important to them.

Who is speaking and how to book a place

The webinar will be led by Alex Ruck Keene, a Barrister from 39 Essex Chambers.

He will cover the basic principles of the relevant laws like the Mental Capacity Act, implementing them in practice under the Coronavirus law and wider restrictions, and try to clear up misunderstandings around current restrictions and what is possible or expected.

The webinar is open to anyone with an interest in decision making, restrictions and the legislation.

Please send any questions or issues you would ideally like covered to us at before 29th October 2020.

You can book on this link here.

Or if you cannot use Eventbrite please e mail us on

More about Alex

You can find out more about Alex here