People have told us that employment and contribution are one of the most important things that help them to be able to lead a good life.
Chapter 6 of Good Lives: Building Change Together brings together people’s thoughts and ideas about employment and contribution as part of what it will take for everyone with learning disabilities to be able to live their good life.
As Gary Bourlet, self advocate and 1 of the Membership and Engagement Leads said, “It is part of what makes us human.”
Gary decided to speak to some members about why it is important to them.
And to hear about some of the different ways people choose to contribute.
First Gary filmed a chat with self-advocate Shiu-Ming Man from the ‘Our Rights’ group at Choice Support.
Shiu-Ming has been doing work with organisations to help try and raise the number of people with a learning disability in paid work.
He also speaks about how important paid work and contribution has been in his life.
Gary then spoke to Julie Pointer, Children and Young People Programme Lead at NDTi, about some of the ways they are working with young people with a learning disability to support them into employment.
Do you want to speak to Rachael or Gary, the Membership and Engagement Leads, about how you can get more involved in taking action towards Good Lives?
Please email
or phone 0300 1110444.