Learning Disability England has been working with Christine Towers at Together Matters to put together a short paper that shares some of the things families have said about what has happened to them since March.
The paper also says what families think can be better so more people with learning disabilities and their families can stay well and keep going through Coronavirus.
This is particularly important right now as we work with members to support the Advisory Group challenge to the content of the Social Care Task Force’s report.
Over the last few months, Learning Disability England has been running online workshops and webinars to bring members together to talk about their challenges and share solutions.
This includes the Self-Advocacy and families supporting each other webinar series throughout the pandemic and the recent Families Planning for the Future and Families Planning for Emergencies online events.
We have been able to make these events ‘open access’ to reach even more people thanks to funding from the government’s £750 million charity support package.
And a number of family members have written guest blogs to raise the profile of the issues they face, including ‘No furlough breaks, no time to spring clean or bake cakes.’ Life in Lockdown – a Family Carer’s Voice and when do we stop accepting the unacceptable?
Learning Disability England will continue to bring people together to make sure people’s experiences are thought about in how services and policies are made as we live with Coronavirus.
Please help by filling in our short survey about the Social Care Task Force Advisory Group’s recommendations here. This survey closes at 5pm on Tuesday 6th October.