Learning Disability England has been working with self advocates and the British Institute of Human Rights to ask the Ministry of Justice to make accessible versions of the consultation.
And to extend the consultation deadline to make sure people with learning disabilities can take part as equals.
Today the Ministry of Justice has published an easy read and an audio version of the consultation.
And has extended the deadline by 6 weeks if you ask for it.
The new deadline to take part in the consultation is 19th April 2022.
But you have to ask for this by emailing: HRAreform@justice.gov.uk
The Ministry of Justice said people using the Easy Read or audio version can ask for the extension.
And so can “organisations who greatly represent the interests of those with needs for an Easy Read/audio version, and would need such a version to respond.”
Learning Disability England has asked for the extension as a membership organisation.
We will be putting together and sending a Learning Disability England consultation response.
If you want to share your views or send a copy of your consultation response to be included, please email Henry, the Policy Lead: henry.wright@LDEngland.org.uk.
The Ministry of Justice has also said it will be holding extra roundtable discussions for disability groups and interested organisationsin the next few weeks.
We will share information about this as soon as we know more.
You can read more on the HRA Consultation website here
You can read our original news item here
This has the background about what has happened and what people have done.
If you have any questions please email henry.wright@LDEngland.org.uk or phone 0300 111 0444.