10.00 – 11.00, 13th April 2018
A genuine and rewarding partnership between family carers and services requires good support and training for staff. “Learn With Us” is a film and training workshop designed to respond to that learning need. This beautifully produced 45-minute documentary gives remarkable and unusual insights into the experiences of family carers, and of the staff who support their relatives with learning disabilities. Interviews with family carers, support workers and their managers produce a stimulating and thought provoking narrative. Two role plays by professional actors highlight areas of conflict and difficulty. Our unique training resource provides all the materials required to facilitate a 3-hour workshop, using the film to generate discussion and with exercises and handouts to promote learning and effective partnership.
Presented by: Clare Palmer and Catherine Wordsworth
Clare is an Islington family carer, mother of Elinor who has learning disabilities. She has represented family carers for some years on Islington’s Learning Disabilities Partnership Board. She also has a social services training background, and it was that combination of experience which originally led her to propose the making of “Learn With Us” to Islington’s Learning and Development Team, which financed the film. It has been immensely exciting for her to work with other family carers and Centre 404 to produce this innovative training for support workers.
Catherine is the Family Involvement Officer for Centre 404, a North London based learning disabilities charity. She has been involved in the Learn With Us project since 2015, when she came on board as part of the team designing the training resource pack. She believes strongly that understanding the triangle of relationships is key to working in true partnership with families. Delivering the training with its inspiring group of co-trainers, comprising family carers and professionals, is one of the most rewarding parts of her job.