The Mendip House safeguarding report which has just been issued outlines in detail the abuse which occurred and makes distressing reading. There can be absolutely no excuse for the horrific events which took place there.
In September 2016 LDE released a statement about the poor care and support that had taken place at Mendip House. As the National Autistic Society (NAS) are our members we were extremely concerned about what had happened and wrote to them with our concerns. They replied to our letter and explained what they were doing to address the abuse that happened.
Actions included closing Mendip House, this has now been done, and addressing concerns about issues not coming to the attention of the leadership team quickly enough. We were reassured that NAS was dealing with the situation with apparent openness and vigour.
We have written to NAS again asking them to update us on their actions and to ensure their policies and practices now fully safeguard the people they have the privilege to support. We will share their response on this site once received..