The cost of living crisis has not just been affecting individual members and their families.
Businesses, including support providers, have also been facing an increase in bills and costs when budgets are already tight.

Paid supporter members have been talking about the impact of the financial pressures they are under.
And the things they are doing to help make Good Lives, and particularly the chapter on the Right Support, a reality in difficult times.

3 paid supporter members have spoken out about their experiences.
And what they are doing to tackle the challenges they are facing.

The Look Ahead Group has written a blog called ‘Fair Price of Care’.

Chris Hampson, Chief Executive said:
“Services rely upon highly skilled and dedicated staff teams who, we feel, should be valued as such both organisationally and financially.
It is of great concern that the scope of the recent fair cost of care reforms do not seem to reach these vital services or the services we deliver in other areas.
Look Ahead will continue to work with our partners in other organisations to ensure that all learning disability and autism services are able to retain financial stability by awarding fair pay at a fair rate.“

Advance Housing and Support has written a blog called ‘Starts at Home: Supported Housing works, but we need to invest in it‘.

Ian Gilders, Executive Director of Housing said:
“Supported housing has proven to be a successful and cost-effective way of supporting people with severe mental health needs, learning disabilities and many other needs to live full and meaningful lives in their communities.
Yet current policy and funding arrangements do not support adequate provision.
We need more politicians visiting and speaking with people with learning disabilities and mental health conditions so they can better understand what this group of people want and need, and to ensure they feel valued and included in a society where they are currently too often overlooked.”

PossAbilities has published a ‘Think piece’ called ‘Ten thoughts for achieving efficiencies in adult social care’.
Read Ten thoughts for achieving efficiencies in social care here

Rachel Law, CEO of PossAbilities said:
“Commissioners are facing the perfect storm.
As a provider we are not prepared to simply hold up our hands and complain about our lot in life. We want to be part of the solution.
That’s why we have launched this Thinkpiece.
We want to have a positive dialogue with commissioners and look at how we can innovate together”.

What are you doing to help make sure the people you support live their Good Lives?
Do you have examples, ideas or opinions you want to share?
Please contact Rachael and Gary, Membership and Engagement Leads for a chat on info@LDEngland.org.uk or 0300 111 0444.