Last week I went to a meeting on the Quality Matters initiative at the Department of Health and Social Care. With lots of other important and senior people we talked about what should be the focus of attention if we are to improve adult social care in the UK.
There were lots of CEO’s that attended the meeting. But I was the only person with a learning disability there in their work role and there were no family members or even providers staff who attended I think.
I believe if we are to most improve the quality of care for people with learning disabilities in this country, their ideas must be the driving force. Me and others suggested disabled people, family carers and direct supporters be more involved next time and those running the meeting agreed on this. We want to help get all Learning Disability England members involved.
The main thing that I tried to argue is that we have to work with the people supported and the workforce on the frontline. They need to be involved in deciding initiatives and policies higher up because they know what needs improving. They know what makes good care and what makes bad care.
There were several things we would like to hear our members feedback on.
There was talk on CCTV being used in Residential homes, and whether this will reduce the number of times abuse or bad care happen.
I am personally not sure on this. I think a lot can be gained from surveillance but there is also people’s privacy and dignity to consider.
What do you think about this?
There was also talk about complaints procedure and how complaints are dealt with. Many attendees suggested that it would be useful, instead of using the term complaint, to approach it more as feedback.
This is especially important when we think about people with learning disabilities/autism, as they are often too afraid to complain as they feel they will get into trouble and lose their services.
A lot of people, not just people with learning disabilities, are afraid to complain.
This is why Learning Disability England supports Ask, Listen, Do as a good way of working. It helps organisations change so they are open to feedback, work hard to understand it and act on it.
There is more information including Easy read and organisation resources here
Some members are going to share how Ask, Listen Do is working for them – We will share organisations, staff and people supported ideas and experiences from using the Ask Listen Do principles and tools
Do you think putting a focus on feedback over complaints would encourage people to report their bad experiences using services?
We would love to share your ideas and experiences
Email me at to let me know what you think about cameras or complaints.