The National Institute of Health and Social Care Excellence (NICE) have published this month 2 quality standards directly related to the support of people with learning disabilities or autistic people.
The standard on the care and support of people with learning disabilities growing older is a new Quality Standard
You can find it here
The standard on supporting children and adults where there is behaviour that challenges has been updated from the original 2015 version
You can find it here
Some members have told us this standard does not say the right things about understanding people and support for someone who services have not understood so far. Let us know if you have feedback on it
There are easy read versions of both quality standards.
Quality Standards are developed to help improve the standard of the quality of support or care commissioned or provided. They are useful to commissioners and providers as well as people with learning disabilities and family members who want to check what is agreed as an evidence based good quality approach on an issue.
Learning Disability England individual or organisation members have been involved in the development of the quality standards