The North West self advocates forum have agreed to host a national self advocacy convention. This will happen alongside the North West Self Advocacy conference that has happened for the last 15 years.
There are 40 extra places for self advocates from across England – we think that can be 5 places for each region. Can you talk to other groups or people in your region about how might come and how you might pay for places?
If more people from 1 region want to come than we have space for we might ask you to help decide who comes.
It is in Blackpool 26th – 28th February and it costs £200 per place (this includes 2 nights in the hotel and meals but not drinks and travel)
Learning Disability England are working with NWTDT / Pathways to help plan the sessions at the convention. Do you have ideas for what we should talk about or work as part of the convention?
We want to include and share important work and ideas from across the country as well as being part of some of the North West conference.
Do get in touch if you want to talk about this
You can find more information in the flyer
To book a place fill in this form