“We have all the evidence and many of the steps we need – lets work together for all our ‘Good Lives’.
We welcome the Reimagining Care Commission report and the principles of trust, empathy, inclusion and human flourishing. The inquiry report calls for a ‘fundamental and comprehensive redesign of care and support’ that includes those principles.
For many people with learning disabilities and their families there are extra barriers to them living their Good Lives but the 3 actions the inquiry suggests including rethinking attitudes would go a long way to the shared vision of flourishing, gloriously ordinary or Good Lives.”
Representative body members Scott Watkin and Kate Chate
In December 2022 we saw ‘a gloriously ordinary life’ report from the House of Lords Adult Social Care Committee.
On the 24th January 2023 the Reimaging care report was published.
The reports talk about some of the core changes that we want to see happen in adult social care and how we get there.
Both say that adult social care is a service that should and can enable people to live Good Lives.
Read more about what people told us is needed to live Good Lives
The right support has great value.
People with learning disabilities and their families told us the right support was one of the main things that enabled them to lead a good life.
We want to see people who draw on care having the same choice and control over their lives as other people
People should be trusted to make decisions about their own care
The reports support the widespread adoption of co-production in social care practice – people who use services and carers working with professionals in equal partnerships towards shared goals.
As well as a focus on the mutual responsibilities of national & local government, communities, families and individuals.