On 22 December Scott Watkin, Co Chair of Learning Disability England’s Representative Body, appeared on Good Morning Britain.

Scott talked about his and his family’s experiences of life during COVID.

Scott’s interview echoes the findings of the Women and Equalities Committee Report called Unequal impact? Coronavirus, disability and access to services published on 22 December.

The report found that the pandemic has had “profoundly adverse effects” on disabled people’s access to services.

The report calls for an independent inquiry into the causes of worse outcomes for disabled people to take place as soon as the pandemic is more clearly under control.

This includes looking at the decisions and policies of the Government and public authorities.

One of the issues both Scott and the Committee have both raised has been that accessible and easy read information has not been available when rules and guidance changes.

Learning Disability England continues to support the Accessible Information Campaign, led by self advocates.