Being prepared in case you need to go into hospital






An important preparation is to update your Hospital Passport. Some family members have worked with nurses and British Institute of Human Rights to make an emergency COVID-19 hospital passport that means medical professionals can get the information they need quickly. This template has now being adopted by NHSE. Here is their hospital passport / grab sheet template .  You can find the guide on how to fill out the template here

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation have published a useful fact sheet about the role of learning disability nurses during the pandemic

NHS England have released a clinical guide for front line staff to support the management of patients with a learning disability, autism or both during the coronavirus pandemic. It includes information on listening to people and their families or supporters, communication and decision making. You can read the NHS England guide for front line staff here. You can read the easy read version here.

The NHS have also released a compilation of the different guidance called Supporting patients of all ages who are unwell with coronavirus (COVID-19) in mental health, learning disability, autism, dementia and specialist inpatient facilities.  This has useful information about testing and going into hospital as well as information about ‘reasonable adjustments’ and protocols for transfer to an acute hospital setting where needed.

There is updated NHS guidance on hospital visiting. Most visiting is not allowed but people with learning disabilities or autistic people can have a visitor who supports them if them not being there causes more distress. The NHS visitor guidance is here.

Emergency Planning for families is very important at this time. The Dimensions family support team have created a presentation about emergency planning explaining why you might need an emergency plan and how to do it. You can also use their Dimensions templates with tips (PDF or editable Word versions).

SeeAbility is part of a group of charities who have put together some advice for care staff around supporting people with sensory loss, learning disability and autism. The guidance offers advice on how to support people and communicate effectively. View the Seeability guidance here.

Georgia Frith, a SaLT and widgit symbols have developed this easy read resource to help explain if someone has to go into hospital. You can read their easy read guide about going into hospital here

Books Beyond Words have created a short wordless story that will help people understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those you care about safe.

They have also written a book about Going into Hospital.

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