Information for individuals and families







Here are some resources about the new guidance on wearing face coverings:

Gary Bourlet, Membership and Engagement Lead for LDE has made a video about face coverings and the new rules that come into effect on 24 July. Watch Gary’s video about face coverings here

Big Leaf Foundation have created illustrated guides on how to wear a face covering. These are available in several different languages.

Ace Anglia  have recorded an video interview with a Primary Care Learning Disability Liaison Nurse. The video includes questions about wearing face coverings

It’s Sew Easy offer ten free face covering patterns to make yourself


To help us understand the rules that have changed since the beginning of July, Mencap have published easy read guides about:

The government has published guidance on the re-opening of special schools and what this will mean for children.

Inclusion North have a hub on their website with resources, including video and audio. You can also download a weekly news update.

Cornwall People First have written a useful easy read guide about the easing of the lockdown restrictions and what they mean

The Minister for Housing has written a letter setting out the measures that are in place to support social housing residents during this next phase towards reopening society.

Eddy Phillips, Carl Shaw and David Gill have forwarded us some great LGBT+ resources they have put together that might be helpful. These are:

Plain English LGBT+ Covid Guide

Easy Read LGBT+ Covid Guide

Easy Read Covid Guide for Trans and Non Binary People

Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) have a set of guides & resources for family members, support workers, social workers & OTs on Coronavirus and how that might affect people with learning disabilities or autistic people. You can see the SCIE guides and resources here

Beacon (the advice service about NHS CHC) has increased capacity to respond to queries about NHS Continuing Health Care and has produced resources about the implications of Covid19

GPs have been given guidance by NHS England about how to support their most ‘at risk’ patients. You can read the guidance and updates for GPs here

Together Matters has put together a range of useful resources and information, including information to help family carers plan with others to get the support they need during the current crisis. You can see the Together Matters resources here

NWTDT and partners have produced a useful Grab Sheet about trauma

The British Association of Social Workers has put out guidance on safeguarding during the outbreak. you can read their guidance for safeguarding adults during Covid 19 here

Be Human has a webpage for people and families to help share useful links, practical tips and ideas, including information about what people who manage their direct payments have put in place for themselves and their PA’s. Visit the Be Human web pages here

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation have put together a range of resources and guidance specifically for families, including FAQs about the Coronavirus law and emergency powers. See the resources from the Challenging Behaviour Foundation here. 

#RightfulLives have developed an online resource called My Own Front Door, particularly useful for families, which includes information and ‘livestreams’ on the Care Act Easements and Emergency Powers.  You can visit the My Own Front Door resources and livestreams here

British Institute of Human Rights have a webpage with briefings on coronavirus, the law and Human Rights. You can see the BIHR coronavirus resources here

The Learning Disability Professional Senate have put together two guides, one for families and one for self advocates. You can see the LD Senate resources for people with a learning disability here and the LD Senate resources for families here

Photosymbols have developed a new website just for Coronavirus information called Keep Safe, with lots of useful easy read resources. You can see the Keep Safe web resources here

The Sensory Projects have shared resources for any families who are trying to home educate through the Coronavirus outbreak. It includes useful multi media resources for anyone about Covid 19. You can see the Sensory Projects multi media resources here

Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) have developed a range of resources, including easy read and resources to use with children. You can access the ICE easy read web resources here

The Special Needs Jungle are sharing all the information or resources they think will help SEND families. You can access the Special Needs Jungle coronavirus SEND resources here

The National Autistic Society has information for autistic people and their families. You can see the National Autistic Society coronavirus resources here

Carers UK are sharing the up to date guidance and resources on their web site. You can find the Carers UK resources here

Citizens Advice has useful information about the extra help the government has put in place around paying bills, sick pay and benefit entitlements. You can visit the Citizens Advice coronavirus help here


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Information for Organisations and people who employ their own Personal Assistants





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The Department of Health have issued easy read guidance on direct payments during the pandemic here

Big Leaf Foundation have created illustrated guides on how to wear a mask. These are available in several different languages.

The government guidance for social care includes guidance on residential, supported living and home care settings. You can read the government guidance for social care here.

The government has also published an easy read guide about the ethical framework for adult social care. These are rules to help make sure that decisions about care and support are made fairly.

The Local Government Association has provided guidance to commissioners about social care provider resilience during COVID-19. This is shared guidance to local authority commissioners from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Care Provider Alliance (CPA). You can read the Local Government Association guidance here.

Coronavirus emergency legislation: The Coronavirus Act has emergency measures & changes to the law including the Care Act & Mental Health Act & measures to allow more staff in health & social care. You can read more about what this means for the Care Act here.

Respond has written some information to help organisations and workers think about helping people keep safe whilst at home more. You can read Respond’s information here.

Voiceability have shared their guidance in the hope it will help other advocacy organisations and those who support self-advocates. You can see Voiceability’s resources for advocacy here.

NWTDT and partners have produced a useful Grab Sheet about trauma

ACAS have put together guidance for employers and employees specific to Coronavirus. You can find ACAS resources here.

In Control and Be Human held a webinar gathering for people on direct payments, personal budgets & personal health budgets to share practical tips during COVID-19. You can access the video recording here.

NCVO have put together a range of resources that might be useful for organisational members and family members who are carers or who help manage a family member’s Personal Budget. You can see NCVO’s resources here.

The Care Workers Charity (CWC) has set up an emergency fund to help support workers, including Personal Assistants, who need to take time off work due to Covid 19. You can find out more about the CWC Emergency Fund here.

Free Training on Coronavirus: Health Education England has on line training about Coronavirus for aimed at health and social care workers. However, it is open to anyone. Read more about the free Health Education England coronavirus training here.

The Office of the Public Guardian holds a register of everyone who has a lasting or enduring power of attorney (LPA and EPA), or who has a deputy acting for them. This can be searched by social care staff to find the contact details of those involved. Read the guidance here


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Being prepared in case you need to go into hospital






An important preparation is to update your Hospital Passport. Some family members have worked with nurses and British Institute of Human Rights to make an emergency COVID-19 hospital passport that means medical professionals can get the information they need quickly. This template has now being adopted by NHSE. Here is their hospital passport / grab sheet template .  You can find the guide on how to fill out the template here

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation have published a useful fact sheet about the role of learning disability nurses during the pandemic

NHS England have released a clinical guide for front line staff to support the management of patients with a learning disability, autism or both during the coronavirus pandemic. It includes information on listening to people and their families or supporters, communication and decision making. You can read the NHS England guide for front line staff here. You can read the easy read version here.

The NHS have also released a compilation of the different guidance called Supporting patients of all ages who are unwell with coronavirus (COVID-19) in mental health, learning disability, autism, dementia and specialist inpatient facilities.  This has useful information about testing and going into hospital as well as information about ‘reasonable adjustments’ and protocols for transfer to an acute hospital setting where needed.

There is updated NHS guidance on hospital visiting. Most visiting is not allowed but people with learning disabilities or autistic people can have a visitor who supports them if them not being there causes more distress. The NHS visitor guidance is here.

Emergency Planning for families is very important at this time. The Dimensions family support team have created a presentation about emergency planning explaining why you might need an emergency plan and how to do it. You can also use their Dimensions templates with tips (PDF or editable Word versions).

SeeAbility is part of a group of charities who have put together some advice for care staff around supporting people with sensory loss, learning disability and autism. The guidance offers advice on how to support people and communicate effectively. View the Seeability guidance here.

Georgia Frith, a SaLT and widgit symbols have developed this easy read resource to help explain if someone has to go into hospital. You can read their easy read guide about going into hospital here

Books Beyond Words have created a short wordless story that will help people understand what to do if you have Coronavirus and how to keep yourself and those you care about safe.

They have also written a book about Going into Hospital.

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