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The government has asked everyone to make big changes to how we act – these are being called social distancing.
From 23 March we were told to stay at home apart from for essential shopping and medical care or if you do an essential job.
From the beginning of July some things are starting to go back to normal, but we are still being asked to do social distancing. Mencap have made an easy read guide about the new rules.
Social distancing is to try and stop the virus spreading to other people especially people who are more vulnerable. This includes people who are older. This includes people who have got long term health conditions.
And this includes people with a learning disability even if they don’t have other health conditions, because they are more likely to need support in their lives or they are more likely to find it harder to access health and advice services.
We think it is important that everyone looks at the social distancing guidance and talks about it.
The guidance is now a requirement and not just advice. So we think it is important people think about what it means to them and those around them and come up with a plan.
The latest government guidance about staying at home can be seen via these links:
Latest government guidance about staying home
Easy read summary about staying at home
PhotoSymbols have made a poster about staying home here
Guidance on staying alert and social distancing – not easy read yet
NHS Health at Home
To maintain social distancing, people are advised to stay at home as much as possible. Also some where people will need to shield or self-isolate, for example if they are extremely clinically vulnerable or have symptoms of coronavirus.
The Health at Home campaign gives people the information they need to contact their GP, order repeat prescriptions, manage their wellbeing and existing conditions – without having to leave home.
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