What’s next for Social Care Future?

Social Care Future is a movement of people working together for change.

They believe we should all be able to live in a place we call home, with the people and things we love, in communities where we look out for one another and doing the things that matter to us.

They have put together their plan to achieve this vision.

Here is the easy-read version of their plan.

Here is the Plain-English version.

They’re focusing on building the conditions for the change we all want through storytelling, growing people power and forging new coalitions for change that will build bridges to the future.

Gary Bourlet, Learning Disability England’s Membership and Engagement Lead had a chat with Neil Crowther and Tricia Nicoll to find out more about their plans for the future.

Here you can watch the video of their full conversation:

Here you can watch a shorter version:

If you can find more updates from Social Care Future and find out about their upcoming events here.

Taking Action Together: A Good Lives Update

A blog from the Learning Disability England Membership and Engagement Lead’s

Its been a year and a half, 2 annual conferences and over 50 meetings with members and partners since we launched Good Lives.

As the Membership and Engagement Leads we wanted to share what has happening and what is next.

Its been amazing to see people coming together to get involved in Good Lives and using to it take action on our shared vision for a good life for people with learning disabilities.

Members have been doing all sorts of things:

  • United Pride Friends and U-Night Group shared vlogs about why the To Love and Be Loved chapter is so important, especially to LGBT+ people with a learning disability.
  • Bild for the Future have been thinking about what a chapter on health might look like. There will be a some opportunities to be part of that thinking so keep an eye out!

These are just a few examples, thank you to everyone who has been making Good Lives their own.

Read more  Taking Action Together: A Good Lives Update

“Treat us as people”

Today the Members reps sent a letter to all Learning Disability England members. 

The letter is about Sally Lewis and the inquest into her death.

Sally died because the people supporting her did not get her care right.

Sally was supported by Dimensions.  

Because of the mistakes they made Sally died from constipation.

The inquest found that she died partly because of neglect – this means that the people supporting her did not do their job. 

You can read the full letter we sent here

Read more  ““Treat us as people””

The Big Connect

What Rachael, one of our Membership and Engagement leads, has been up to this week. 

On Tuesday I travelled down to Bristol to connect with southern members and partners at the Big Connect, a More Than A Provider event.  

More than a Provider is collaborative of support providers who support and are taking action toward to Social Care Future’s Vision.  

It was great to see so many members there, including paid support rep Scott! 

In a workshop with United Response and Dimensions we talked about the My Vote, My Voice campaign encouraging people with a learning disability to take part in elections.

Read more  “The Big Connect”

Renting your own place

Learning Disability England has been working in partnership with researchers from the University of York and the University of Bristol, Riverside, Housing LIN and Stephen Lee Hodgkins on a research project.

The project team also has an advisory group of self-advocates with lived experience from York People First and My Life, My Choice.

People with learning disabilities have said that ‘a home‘ was one of the most important things about leading a good life.

This project is about finding better ways to support people with learning disabilities at the edges of social care into social and private rented housing.

The first stage of the research looked at options available for people at the edges of social care to live in ‘ordinary’ rented housing in the community.

This involved holding large roundtable events attended by lots of professionals and experts by experience.

Read more  “Renting your own place”

The Kings Coronation and Accessibility

The coronation of Charles III and Queen consort, Camilla is taking place on Saturday 6th May 2023, at Westminster Abbey. 

Learning Disability England was invited to attend an accessibility expert panel ahead of the coronation.

Wendy Burt, member of Learning Disability England and former member of the rep body attended as representative.

She has written a blog about her experience.

Read more  “The Kings Coronation and Accessibility”

‘The rot has to stop – look at the pattern of behaviour’

Simon Cramp

Last Friday, 4 people were convicted for the crimes they committed working at Whorlton Hall.

You can read about the convictions here.

The quote above is from Simon, a lifetime member of Learning Disability England.

He spoke about what any of us can say or do as we are reminded of yet another way people with learning disabilities and autistic people are being failed or actively harmed.

Read more  “‘The rot has to stop – look at the pattern of behaviour’”

The Hesley Group Report

“We need the right support at the right time from the right people, close to home”

Kate Chate – Rep and Family member

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel have just published their second report about residential care settings in Doncaster run by the Hesley Group.

The reports found that in these homes between the 1st January 2018 and March 21st 2021 many children experienced neglect, abuse and were not having their needs met.

You can read both reports here.

Learning Disability England endorses the joint statement made by Dr Margaret Flynn, Dame Christine Lenehan and Dr Sheila Fish and held by the Coalition for Change.

Read the joint statement here

Read more  “The Hesley Group Report”

Response to the government consultation on the Small Payments Scheme

By Ramandeep Kaur – Mum to Harry (15) who has Down’s syndrome

As a parent of a young lad with learning disabilities, I am hugely disappointed that the government have decided not to implement the proposed Small Payments Scheme for parents/carers and young people who wish to access their Child Trust Funds.

I opened my son Harry’s account when he was born and I was not informed at any point that I would need to go through the Court of Protection to access his money when he turned 18. There was no information in the packs sent out to parents and I feel that I was ill informed. Had I been aware of this, I would most likely not have opened the account for him. He has £7000 sitting in an account which I will now have to pay up to £1000 in court fees to be able to access. The forms are long and quite complicated and I am having to ask others to help me complete them. As someone who has lots of experience in filling out forms, even I have been struggling to fill them out, so I worry that many people will find themselves in the same situation. If we ask a lawyer to support us, this will cost even more money.

Read more  “Response to the government consultation on the Small Payments Scheme”

Mental Capacity Act small payments scheme

The results of the Mental Capacity Act small payments scheme announced.

This news piece will talk about what this means for families and carers of people with learning disabilities and autistic people.  

The consultation paper ‘Mental capacity Act small payments scheme’ was published on 16 November 2021.

It invited people to give their views on the possibility of a small payments scheme.

If agreed, the scheme would have made it easier to access small amounts of money (less than £2,500) of people who lack capacity but do not have a Court of protection Order (CoP) or Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).

This would have been beneficial, especially for family members and carers of people with learning disabilities and autistic people.

Members of Learning Disability England contributed to the consultation process and this week, the Ministry of Justice published its results.

Read more  Mental Capacity Act small payments scheme