Taking Action Together: A Good Lives Update

A blog from the Learning Disability England Membership and Engagement Lead’s

Its been a year and a half, 2 annual conferences and over 50 meetings with members and partners since we launched Good Lives.

As the Membership and Engagement Leads we wanted to share what has happening and what is next.

Its been amazing to see people coming together to get involved in Good Lives and using to it take action on our shared vision for a good life for people with learning disabilities.

Members have been doing all sorts of things:

  • United Pride Friends and U-Night Group shared vlogs about why the To Love and Be Loved chapter is so important, especially to LGBT+ people with a learning disability.
  • Bild for the Future have been thinking about what a chapter on health might look like. There will be a some opportunities to be part of that thinking so keep an eye out!

These are just a few examples, thank you to everyone who has been making Good Lives their own.

Members have been telling us how useful it would be to somewhere to share their actions and learn from each other.

So we have created The Good Lives Action Collection.

This will be launched on Wednesday 28th June 2023.

We will be bringing together in one location, the many positive examples of rights-based action happening to build Good Lives for people with a learning disability.

This will be a growing collection that we hope people will want to build on and add to.

It will include research, campaigns, reports, movements, guides and more.

It is a place to be inspired to create real change and connect with others who share the same focus and vision for the future.

We hope you as members and partners will help build the action bank with your work and use it to connect with others.

There is so much creative and exciting work going on that we think its time to shout about it!

If you want to share something for The Action Collection email info@ldengland.org.uk

Have you sent a letter to your MP about Good Lives?

Read more here