Do you have a learning disability?
Are you from a minority ethnic background?

Would you like to take part in some work to help make care better for people from minority ethnic groups with a learning disability?

We are looking for people to take part in a session to share what you think.
The online session is on Tuesday 1st November 10am – 12.30pm

Learning Disability England is working with the Race Equality Foundation, the University of Central Lancashire and Manchester Metropolitan University.

The work is to understand better why it is hard for people from minority ethnic groups with a learning disability to use health care services.

People from minority ethnic groups have more problems with their health.
We know this from a report called LeDeR which tries to understand why people with a learning disability have sadly died.

The report found that people from minority ethnic backgrounds are more likely to die younger than people who are White British.

We want to know why this is happening and make care better.

There is an easy read information sheet that tells you more about the project, what will happen and how the information will be used.

There is also an information sheet for paid and unpaid carers.

If you would like to take part or you have any questions please talk to Katie Umpleby.
Katie is a research assistant on this project.

Katie’s name, telephone number and address are here:
Katie Umpleby
Address: School of Medicine, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 2HE
Telephone: 01772 893919
Email: KUmpleby@uclan.ac.uk