Meetings about how people with a learning disability or autism will be included in the plan
People with a learning disability and people with autism are included as one of the important priorities for the NHS in the next 10 years.
NHS England are working with Learning Disability England to hold 7 meetings to talk about what needs to be in the plan.
The ideas for the plan will be based on the work so far and what people have said is important or needs to happen next.
The meetings will talk about the work that has happened so far on making health services better, Transforming Care, Learning from deaths reviews (LeDeR) and other important work.
We will talk about what has worked and what hasn’t, as well as the evidence from research or numbers.
Below you will find more details about these events:
If you would like to use the links in the document above to register for an event, please click here to download the word version.
Update: All events have been fully booked. We are sorry if you wanted to come to a meeting and were not able to get a place. We have a waiting list for all the others. NHS England has decided not to make the events bigger and there is not time to run anymore before the plan has to be written at the end of September.
LTP webinar on the 17th Sept 1-3pm
The NHS has been asked to set out a long-term plan for its future by Autumn 2018. This will involve setting out its ambitions for improvement over the next decade, and how it will meet these plans over the five years of the funding settlement.
As autism has been identified as one of the top clinical priorities for the NHS, we would like to invite you to take part in this webinar which is part of a wider conversation about how autism will be prioritised in the NHS England Long Term Plan.
To register, please use the following link:
NHS England have set up other ways of contributing:
A discussion guide on developing the long term plan for the NHS, is available from NHS England. This guide is also available in easy read. The guide is intended to help stimulate ideas on three key themes – life stage, clinical priorities and enablers of improvement.
It highlights some of the key challenges and some questions that NHS England would encourage you to answer through their online feedback form.
You may choose to provide responses for every topic, or just the ones that are important to you or the group you work with feedback needs to be submitted by Thursday 30th September 2018.
NHS England ask that you fully complete the first page of the survey so that they know who they have heard from. If you have any questions, please email Long Term Plan Engagement Team:
If you prefer to view this information in a plain english format please click here
If you would like to see a update about this 10 year plan, please click here