Learning Disability England is bringing people and organisations together to create a movement for change where people with learning disabilities, families, friends and paid supporters come together on an equal basis.
As a membership organisation, members work together to build a world where people with learning disabilities have good lives with equal choices and opportunities as others.
We can’t name you all, but you are all very important.
The Vision for Change
The Vision for Change says the difference Learning Disability England wants to make.
All work at Learning Disability England is moving towards this vision.
You can read the Vision for Change here
The Big Plan for our work
The Members Representative Body and Trustees made a plan for Learning Disability England’s work 2024 – 2029
It says what Learning Disability England will do to make a difference and achieve the Vision for Change.
Read the Big Plan here
We have completed a Cranfield Trust Journey to Excellence (J2E©) consultancy project signifying our commitment to continuous improvement.
Join us
Membership starts from just £12 for individual members.